Friday, October 17, 2008

Discovering Self

I have never really wondered how exactly I could describe myself and put it together into words on a piece of paper. I see myself as a person who greatly appreciates compassion, independence and confidence.

I am a lover of nature, and I cherish every moment I spend under the shade of a tree. I believe that every living being loves life and would like to be treated kindly, the same that way I do. Being a faithful Buddhist, I value myself as a person who cultivates compassion, selflessness and moral discipline through meditation. I see these as vital necessities for a simple and contented life style.

I am an independent person but I would never over-estimate my capabilities and hesitate to welcome advice, if ever there is an important decision to be made. I have often been acknowledged as a person who can be relied on and approached in difficult situations, by my friends. I suppose this is because I would always listen to them and look at the situation from their point of view and try to make them comfortable.

I see myself as a person who is keen about experimenting new techniques and learning new ways and means of doing things. I strongly believe that if I have the will I can build my skills, to rightfully perform any task that is allocated to me.


Zhiyi said...

Hi Vijani, maybe you could include some information about your real life experiences, be it from work or school. It would make your bio data more complete. Other than that, your philosophy towards life is interesting. I like the way you broke each of your three philosophies compassion, independence and confidence into paragraphs and elaborated on them.

2D 2012 said...

Hello Vijani.

As I read each paragraph of your biodata, a clear characteristic of yours is clearly shown
- Reflective (:

Each of your strength is clearly demonstrated in each paragaph but in my opinion, maybe you could include a weakness which you could improve on to make it more complete (:

Benjamin Ng said...

Hey Vijani, as I read your post I could just imagine you sitting under a tree meditating. Your very zen and pensive side comes through very strongly in your post, and like Zhiyi I appreciate the way you have used each paragraph well to describe each facet of your personality. Much as I’d like to maintain this Shangri La-ish image of you, I would like to know more about your real life experiences and aspirations too!

Brad Blackstone said...

Well-stated, Vijani, as a personal philosophical statement more so than a professional one. I applaud this because it shows the "inner" you, radiating outward. Lovely.

For a job bio, you would, of course, focus more on your work life, but this is a fine a statement of who you are as well!

vijani said...

Thank you all..for your insight..:) I agree that for a real bio data, I should express myself from a more practical sense. The topic, "Discovering Self" was truly enthusiastic to me because I thought it as a chance to look into my inner self from a more philosophical aspect. I really do appreciate your kind feedback.
